Saturday, December 14, 2013

Eco-Friendly Gift Ideas

This Christmas give eco-friendly American made gifts that will bring joy to your friends and family while making a positive difference.  Here are a list of out of the box, affordable ideas that are 'Green' and 'American Made.'  I will regularly be blogging about eco-friendly companies and American made-locally sourced products.  If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment!

- Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy has a wide array of eco-friendly gifts for the nature lover in us all.  From symbolically adopting an animal to adopting an acre of endangered wilderness, calendars, mugs and gift from the Nature Conservancy will fight to protect our planet, while spreading good cheer.

- Sierra Club
The Sierra Club actively works to protect endangered ecosystems, maintain hiking trails and raise awareness about wild places.  Giving the gift of a membership to The Sierra Club entitles you to discounts in their online bookstore and gift shop, information about hiking meet ups and lectures in your area...a Sierra Club calendar is sure to please anyone on your guest list.

- Gift Museums
A membership to a local museum or zoological park not only funds vital expenses to keep these beloved non-profits afloat, it is a gift that one can enjoy year round, touring exhibits, taking part in membership events, meeting friends through museum outreach.  Members also typically receive a discount in the museum gift shop...

- Give the Gift of Outreach -
Catholic Charities, Episcopal Relief & Development, UNICEF, American Red Cross...are a few outreach organizations that assist with everything from domestic violence, disaster relief, medical relief, feeding the hungry...providing clean water...You can even purchase a heifer or donate towards building a school in Africa...

- Give the Gift of Time -
Commit to volunteer in honor of a friend or family member at their favorite non-profit.  You will receive joy in this giving...pick something you enjoy - volunteer at a soup kitchen, or if your forte is art then pick up a few shifts at an Art Museum...Even an hour or two helps.

- Give the Gift of Art -
Art can be costly, but if you rummage through local galleries, Co-Ops and Holiday Craft Fairs you can find quality prints, handmade jewelry, photography stills, pottery...for $10-$50.  This supports arts and cultivates community. 

- Adopt and Animal from Defenders of Wildlife. -
Living in Montana I have learned how vital bison, bears, wolves, elk, lynx...are to the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem...Defenders of Wildlife persistently fights to protect wildlife based on scientific studies.  At $25-$50, coming with a cute stuffed animal, this is the perfect gift for a kid.

- Buy Green -
Green is the color of the season...there are lots of green stocking stuffers, toys, clothing to fit the fancy of even the pickiest Christmas Wish List.  Make a conscious effort not to buy plastic, focus on Fair Trade, ethically sourced, organic products.  Make-up like Burt's Bees is a great place to start...Whole Foods and Community Co-Ops are ground zero...
Ultimate Green Gifts
Get n Green (Montana based and online)

- Plant Trees -
For $10, ten trees will be planted on your behalf.  How cool is it to think that you are planting life giving oxygen, carbon eating trees to a friend - in my opinion it is the best gift of all.

Plant A Billion and National Forests are both excellent and trusted resources.  I prefer slightly because it plants trees in the US...

- Give the Gift of our National Parks -
Buy a family member a National Parks Pass, available online through NPS or in store at REI.  Our parks are the backbone of America - they entertain our senses and preserve our land for future generations, with countless cuts to our parks this helps to support NPS...You can also support National Parks by supporting non-profit foundations like The Yellowstone Association, Grand Teton Association and Greater Yellowstone Association...if you have a favorite park you can donate directly to their foundation.

Buy Made in America:
From ornaments, to clothes, purses, food...when you purchase American made you cut carbon emissions from overseas imports and fuel our economy, which is great for everyone.  ABC News has tracked a lot of Made in America companies, you can learn about their reports online:
For clothing I recommend: 'Made in Heaven' It is akin to Chico's - affordable and completely American made!

Better yet...

Buy LOCAL - Each state has a plethora of Made in...novelties...Made in Montana - Huck Jam, or Made in NC furniture to Made in Washington State - organic your state's 'Made in __' and you'll discover terrific gifts and lifestyle items.

- Adopt or Fund a Shelter Pet -
Local humane societies are in desperate need of food, cash, supplies to help keep these innocent creatures alive.  You can also make a big step of giving the gift of a forever home to a deserving, cat, dog, name it...

-Animal Rescue/Greater Good Network -
They have a ton of cute gifts that go directly into their outreach programs.

- Buy Carbon Offsets to negate your carbon emissions in 2014

- Fund your local HRDC (Human Resources & Development Council); Homeless Shelter, Domestic Violence Shelter...
In Bozeman you can purchase a quilt to help fund our Warming Center.  It ran out of money last year and in this cold climate it is an essential resource, as many of the homeless have jobs, but are struggling to find apartments or have disabilities...

There are countless other ideas, but hopefully these will help kick start the brainstorming process.

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